Hi Chris,

>>I am still working on the Parsing algorigthm.
If you are on Windows, you can use our free CSS parser. Here is the link:


XStandard Development Team
XHTML Strict / 1.1 WYSIWYG editor

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Stratford
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 6:02 AM
Subject: [WSG] ALPHA Testers Needed

Hey List,
I am currently developing a little software package which will help you
manage your CSS and your bandwidth.
What it does is it will compress your CSS.

Its not very intelligent so it doesnt do anything really special.
All it will do is Load a CSS file - Parse the file.
It will then allow a few differnt levels of output.

These are:

VERBOSE - Which will include all the comments, full indentation etc...
1st Level Compression - Removes the comments - still full indentation
2nd Level Compression - Removes comments, removes tabbed indentation
3rd Level Compression - Removes comments, removes tabbed indentation, takes
braces up onto a shared line (so they arent on their own lines)
4th Level Compression - Removes comments, removed tabbed indentation, takes
braces up onto a shared line (so they arent on their own lines), removes
line breaks between properties (so all selectors have a line of their own,
with all the properties and values on that line)...
5th Level Compression - Removes comments, removed tabbed indentation, takes
braces up onto a shared line (so they arent on their own lines), removes
line breaks between properties (so all selectors have a line of their own,
with all the properties and values on that line)..., removes the line beween
classes - makes the CSS all on one single line....


I could have a bnch of checkboxes where you select what type of output you
eg - indentation etc...

At the moment the program does not compress anything.
I am still working on the Parsing algorigthm.
At the moment some of the problems I have had to over come are:

When there are :'s in Selectors - eg: a.title:hover
When there is no ; on the end of the last value, of a selector
When there are ;'s etc inside comments...

All those have been fixed.
I just need to test a wide variety of files...

If you want to participate please send me some of the weirdest CSS you have,
which is 100% VALID on the W3C Validator.
Thats what I am using as the Caveat for performance... it must first pass
that test before you can compress it...
Otherwise the results will vary a lot from what you expect... :)

Thanks a lot!

- Chris Stratford

BTW - IF there are any programs out there that do this - please let me know!
I want to see them!!! :)
Also this will be 100% Freeware to members of the WSG list :)
I might try and charge a $5 fee for licences in the future...

Thanks again!

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