Looks good in Firefox .9. In IE 6 the "For more information contact: " column appears bottom left rather than on the right


At 07:36 22/06/2004, you wrote:
Hello WSG!

I have been using CSS for text styles for the last few months, but now I want to make my sites with divs and no tables!
I began over the weekend learning the process and working on my first non-tables site. I have been overly excited about the process and everything was going fine until I uploaded my latest version to the web. It looks great in Safari (btw, I am a Mac user), but in IE5 it's all jumbled (why must we deal with such a crappy browser). I am very confused for a couple of reasons:
First, I am obviously new to this form of web standard.
Second, and most important, it looked fine in IE5 previewing it locally. So when I uploaded it and checked the page, well, I felt like Coldplay by having "a rush of blood to my head".

I have validated my html code & css code.  That's a plus.
I have only tested thus far on a Mac with Safari and IE5.

Here is a link to the html page:

Here is a link to the css page:

Please help if you have a moment.

Thank you very much. Keep up the great work everyone! I'm ready to do my part to change the world.

Shane Helm
Sonze Design Studio

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The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
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