Hi all,

I have the following rules (amongst many):

a                       { text-decoration: none; }
a:link          { border-bottom: 1px dotted black; }
a:visited       { ... }
a:hover         { ... }

No surprises so far -- it's a classic dotted border on links. The problem I have is that IE displays the dotted bottom border on images that contain no text, I guess that's a reasonable thing, and maybe not a bug, but it's a pain in the ***.

If we had *ascendant* selectors, my problem would be solved, but we don't:

img<a                { border:0; }

Bowman <stopdesign.com> solves the problem with a 'noline' class on his linked image tags, but in this case, I can't edit the source of the image tag, as it's auto-generated by the CMS. Bugger.

Searching Google for this is pretty much hopeless (the keywords are too generic), so here I am, begging the WSG for some help :)

Justin French

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