There is an interesting discussion about title tags on astirisk today.
Dave S. had the following comment
Dave S. said:

It goes like this:

Alt text: "Fruit still life"

Title text: "Pears, apples, and bananas in a dish, lit from the top right with a soft 

Longdesc: "Three pears, two apples, and a bunch of bananas resting within a round 
dish. A russet velvet sheet fills the background, while the surface the dish sits on 
is covered with a lace tablecloth. The scene is lit from the top right, though the 
flash shines off the apples from the middle left. The focus is soft and the overall 
tone is dim. This scene was shot for 'Martha Stewart Living', December 2002."

Though browser support of longdesc still has a long way to go, the idea is this: Alt 
text is purely a short placeholder for the image if it doesn't load; it should never 
be displayed otherwise (not even on mouse hover.) Title text is meant for a longer 
description of the image, which may be displayed in other ways (including hovers). 
Longdesc is meant for an extended description of the photograph including as many 
details as the author wishes to publish.

All are meant to be assistive, but they're not only for screenreader use; Lynx, for 
example, makes use of Alt text because it simply doesn't load images.

Posted on July 28, 2004 03:59 PM

My question is: I'm using some titles on the labels of my fieldsets, after a previous 
discussion, I'm second guessing that concept.  Can we put a longdesc on a label?  I 
want to avoid using divs that are hidden, popping up additional windows, or cluttering 
up the screen with text that most people will not need to read.  If I convert the 
titles to longdesc, which in some cases is more appropriate, would that be valid?

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