Jim Barricks wrote:

I'm in the process of converting over my old CSS/HTML site over to CSS/XHTML standards and
trying to validate. On this page I have an watermark ad on the right side which works perfectly on:

But when I change the DOCTYPE from "DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional" over to "DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional"
the watermark switches over to the right side and stays immobile like this:

Before wondering why the add switchs sides, first clean up the validation errors. Some are really quite simple. By removing the errors you may solve the problem.

If you have a specific error which you don't know how to fix, feel free to ask, but I'm assuming you know how to close empty tags (<... />) and ampersands can't be written normally (&amp;).

One more thing: It may help moving you JavaScript to and external file in order to deal with invalid characters (&, <).
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