
Does anyone know of a definitive guide to CSS inheritance, hopefully including which tags inherit properties from other tags eg: <p> inherits from <body>

its an interaction of HTML and CSS.

Some properties in CSS are inherited, others are not.

See the spec, or westciv's guide as to whether a specific property is inherited.

Why are some not inherited? Imagine for a moment that margin was inherited.

Say body had a 1em margin. Then all the children of the body would have a 1em margin, all the children of those children, and "so on ad infinitum".

You can however, specify that a property be inherited in CSS, for any CSS property (if memory series me correctly, but there may be a small number of exceptions to that)

As far as I am aware, the children of an element inherit all its inheritable properties. The proviso would be that where a property is restricted to say only block level elements, then its inline children would not inherit such properties.

This bit is just unchecked conjecture.



John Allsopp

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