Title: Re: [WSG] sitecheck on Mac (Safari, IE5) and Win (IE 5/5.5) please?
>> Scott wrote: Has anyone had any luck with an image replacement techniques that leaves the link available?
Hi Scott,
We use a variant of image replacement for the section headings on the homepage of www.smh.com.au
ie: the section headings in the main centre column start about 800px down the page - "WORLD", "NATIONAL", "SPORT" etc in the blue font - all caps.
these are still linked. the actual (non graphic) heading is just using the technique [1] of making the font size 1px and white (so its not visible on a white page) leaving the background image visible. the link that contains the heading is given a width & height and display:block like your example so that the link "hotspot" is forced to stay big enough and cover the desired area.
That has worked for us pretty well. Haven't had any complaints about weird display or anything....
the css is all inline on the homepage so its easy to "take a look under the hood" :)
I dont mind it. With css disabled the heading is just a linked heading. I should say I'm not a fan of image replacement techniques in general but in this case for us we had the need to use a graphical heading font (to match the offline product) and didn't want to bloat the page with lots of images. (we used sprites and loaded what we could into sprites [2])
[1] http://www.maxdesign.com.au/presentation/headings-as-images/index.cfm#option4
[2] http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprites/
Peter Ottery
Head of Design
Fairfax Digital
Level 3 Wharf 7 Pirrama Road
Pyrmont NSW 2009

T: 02 8596 4450
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