Title: RE: [WSG] list item markers disappear behind floated image

>> Russ wrote: This may sound insane but the problem is fixable by floating the ul element.ul { float: left; }

that does sound weird but on reflection of the finer points of the behaviours of floats, does make sense. fix a float with a float...

this method should do the trick for my situation as the next thing after the ul will need to be clear:left anyway. so thanks! :)

>> drew wrote: Try giving the ul list-style-position:inside. No need for additional p or div.

ah ha! so thats what list-style-position:inside is for. have often wondered. the only drawback i can see from that is that when the list item text wraps, it wraps right back underneath the marker (and your text isnt all nicely aligned left). Again, in my situation this wouldnt affect me cause the text is of a gauranteed length and wont wrap (in all but the most exteme cases of text sizing, and I'm not concerned about alignment in those instances) so I can use this method aswell.

thanks guys! not 1 but 2 workable solutions. great stuff.

ps: in breaking news (sorry, cant help myself) please dont reply to this list about this, but there are 2 whales outside my window *inside* darling harbour (past the bridge in sydney harbour). theres a bunch of people taking photos so hopefully one will end up on <shameless plug>http://www.smh.com.au/</shameless plug>. which uses a css layout. see. on topic ;-)

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