El dom, 29-08-2004 a las 00:49, Seona Bellamy escribió:
> Thanks for the help, guys. I've gone with the <dl> as suggested by
> Mordechai, and the script that was in Zeldman's book (sorry, Mordechai, but
> it seemed like a slightly simpler, more flexible way of doing it - or maybe
> it's just that I've combed through it so often that I actually understand
> what it does!).

> The script, for those who don't have the book, is as follows:
> function toggle(targetID) {
>       if (document.getElementById) {
>               target = document.getElementById(targetID);
>               if (target.style.display == "none") {
>                       target.style.display = "";

Shouldn't that be 
        target.style.display = "block";


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