
If you're based in Oz however you'd be a fool to miss it.

Why, though? The calibre of the people looks fantastic, but would it be worth spending $750 to see them?

I really would love to go if I was convinced that it would advance my web building knowledge hugely, more than (say) this mailing list! I'm desperate for a good enough excuse - and I don't have it yet.

In saying this I do not want to detract at all from the excitement building about the event. And I can see that for someone brand new to web standards this will, as you say, be a "killer" event.

I just want to have a picture painted of the benefits of this event, more than the names, and more than the titles of the events. Maybe others in the WSG are holding back for a similar reason, and might also pull out their wallets if the pitch was good enough!

I'm no guru, but I get by. Is it for me (he asks hopefully)?


The discussion list for

Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004

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