Hello, everybody.  I've been reading the list for a day or two, and I'm
very excited to be part of the growing number of designers/developers
who are taking a stand for standards.

A little bit about me:  I am originally from Seattle, Washington, USA,
but moved to Portugal in April, 2003, in order to get off the fast track
and slow my pace a little (it helps that my wife is Portuguese *grin*).
 I've been a Web developer since 1995, and started off on the right
foot with learning HTML, coding by hand (via PICO), and using the tags
for what they were meant for (rather than what they did to the
appearance of a Web page).  In 1998, however, I went to work for the
Seattle Chamber of Commerce, who was naturally a strong supporter of
Microsoft -- the result was that I was forced to start using FrontPage
and Internet Explorer.  In 2002, I switched to Dreamweaver (which
permits me to hand-code again, with a few bells & whistles)...and a
year ago I made Mozilla my default browser.  Having just bought and
devoured Jeffrey Zeldman's book, I am (again) a supporter and devout
follower of Web standards and plan to redesign all my sites as time permits.

Seems that, while I have a solid background in HTML, a natural tendency
towards minimalist design, and some experience with CSS1, I have a lot
to learn regarding CSS2.  Forgive me, reader, for I have sinned against
tables...bastardizing them for layout and whitespace. :/  I have
repented and am slowly making my way towards the light, which is why I
have joined this list, as I hope to get support in my efforts.

Dr. Zeus Web Development

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

Proud presenters of Web Essentials 04 http://we04.com/
Web standards, accessibility, inspiration, knowledge
To be held in Sydney, September 30 and October 1, 2004

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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