Hi Everyone

Opera is definately not in my scope of expertise. I've fixed the vast majority of my 
css bugs and now I need to fix a couple Opera problems.
Here are some screen shots from browsercam.  I hope you can view them.

and what they look like in  IE


There is an image in the div#topright that is floated left that is sitting below the 
menu toprightnav

Here is the appropriate coding

<div id="toprightnav"><!-- This is the series of three links and image that hovers on 
the right top corner -->
<ul id="topright">
<li ><a href="/csa/preparequote.do" title="get a free quote now!">Buy Now</a></li>
<li ><a href="/csa/whysell.do" title="travel agents can find their specific 
information here">Partners</a></li>
<li ><a href="/csa/emergency.do" class="red" title="Emergency Contact 
information">Emergency Assistance</a></li>
<a href="/csa/webdirect.do" title="Free, Instant Travel Insurance Quotes"><img 
src="../images/ftr-travel-insurance-quote.jpg" height="72px" width="95px" alt="Photo 
of a hotel " /></a>

#toprightnav {position: absolute; top:.25em; right:1em; margin:0; padding:0; 
#topright {font-size:80%; width:100px; padding-left:5px; float:right;}
#topright li {padding-bottom:2px;}
#topright li a {display:block; color:#000; padding:0; text-decoration:none; margin:0;}
#topright li a:hover {text-decoration:underline;}

I am using the IE Whitespace hack to avoid putting the unordered list on one line of 

Will this mess up Opera?

There's another unordered list in the body that should be a horizontal set of buttons 
but is stacking in Opera.

<div id="bodynavdiv">
<ul id='bodynav'>
<li ><a href="/csa/webdirect.do" class="" title="Guarantee Your Vacation with our 
WebDirect comprehensive travel insurance product">Features</a></li>
<li ><a href="/csa/coveragesall.do" class="here" title="Read a table of travel 
insurance coverages and benefits">Coverages/Benefits</a></li>
<li ><a href="/csa/certpolicy.do" class="" title="Download and read your Travel 
Insurance Policy or Certificate">Certificate/Policy</a></li>
<li ><a href="/csa/defineterm.do" class="" title="Read the definition of terms and 
outline of coverages">Definitions</a></li>
<li ><a href="/csa/tfaqproduct.do" class="" title="Frequently Asked Travel Insurance 

#bodynavdiv {margin-top:0px;}
html>body #bodynavdiv {margin-top:-10px;}
#bodynav {margin-top:10px; float:right; font-size:10px; list-style:none; border: 0; 
border-right: 1px solid #666;}
#bodynav li {list-style:none;display:inline;}
#bodynav  li a {background: #e4edf1; padding: 1px 5px; margin: 0; color: #666; 
text-decoration: none; display: block; float:left; text-align: center; 
font-weight:bold; border: 1px solid #666; border-right: none;}
#bodynav  li a:hover, #bodynav  a:active {background: #9CBCC9; color:#fff;}
#bodynav  li a.here {background: #74A2B4; border: 1px solid #666; color: #fff;}

Here are some pages to look at and whoopeee, they are now valid xhtml.  At least they 
were last night.


Thank you again for your help everyone.


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