Hi everyone
We have been trying to get a calendar popup function for our web site to work.  I know 
there are a lot of them out there but I'd like to know if you have a favorite.  I'm 
talking about clicking into a form field for a date, having a calendar appear, click 
on the calendar's date, and the field is populated.

We are currently using one called calendarxp that uses an iframe and is not validating 
very well.  It also is not consistent in its position at all.
here's a couple examples:
http://v4.csatravelprotection.com/csa/jsp/index.jsp calendar is in the leftnav, for 
departure and return date

http://v4.csatravelprotection.com/csa/preparequote.do calendar is in the body for the 
same fields.

I appreciate any information you may have.
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