Brian> What's the best way to fomat a "skip navigation" link at the top of a
Brian> page so it doesn't appear in modern/styled browsers, but is still
Brian> accessible to small-screen / mobile platforms and reduced-ability
Brian> environments (screen readers and the like)?

Hi Brian

Another way of thinking about it is that it *should* be visible to
everyone, including those with modern browsers.

For eaxmple, someone might be:
- perfectly sighted
- using ther latest version of IE/Mozilla
- mobility impaired and unable to use a mouse

They would use the keyboard to navigate around a site. I'm sure they
would appreciate a visible "skip to content" link to save them tabbing
through the navigation on each page.

My take is that the visible skip link really isn't incorporated much
into designs. I imagine mainly due to ignorance and/or a belief that
such things look ugly. I'm hopeful that soon they will be incorporated
into designs in, of course, the most tasteful way :)

Bottom line, if you can add it to the design, it's a good thing to do.

Mike Brown

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