I think you are correct in your assessment that opening a new window is a behavior of the UA, and therefore (arguably) should not be included in the DTD that describes the structure of a document.

Having said all that Chris's solution of having extended and published the DTD is perfectly acceptable.

I personally think opening windows should be handled via javascript where it is possible to test for the existence of such behavior. A good UA will then determine what cause of action to take based on it's own configuration - such as we have with Firefox.

In this case it is perfectly acceptable to mark up your document with something along the lines of:

<a href="someurl.html" rel="external"> or <a href="someurl.html" rel="supplementary"> or <a href="someurl.html" rel="help">

and attach a behavior script to open a new window for links marked up with the rel attribute. This approach to markup is valid with the W3C published DTD's, although the values "external" and "supplementary" for the rel attribute are not described.


On 8/10/04 9:53 AM, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
Chris Stratford wrote:

I use XHTML Strict, and have modded the DTD to accept New Window code.

What always makes me wonder about these solutions is that, in effect, they are still reliant on the fact that current browsers have the built-in understanding and capability of reacting a certain way (i.e. popping up a new window) when they encounter something like target="_blank". It's not the DTD that automatically causes this behaviour, it only tells the browser that "it's ok" to have those attributes in the code. If (I know, unlikely in the foreseeable future) a browser came out that only understood anything from xhtml 1.0 strict onwards, I wonder how this type of functionality could be forced. Surely, beyond modifying a DTD, there must be some additional piece of behavioural code that will have to be passed on to the user agent? Or am I just misunderstanding the whole eXtensible nature of XHTML here?

Hypothetically speaking, anyway...

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[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
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