On Friday, Oct 8, 2004, at 23:37 Australia/Sydney, Richard Lake wrote:

I've added a "top of page" link as follows:
<div class="topl"><a href="#header">Top of page</a></div>
and related CSS, as follows:
.topl {
float: right;
font-size: .75em;}
a.topl {
color: #660;
text-decoration: none;}
Everything validates (apart from an IE expression that I've removed but made
no difference) yet the "topl" style is ignored and the enclosing div's style
is retained. It can be viewed at
Can anybody help please.

Sure. You don't have a <a> of class .topl in your code, so the CSS doesn't work. Try

.topl a {
        color: #660 ;
        text-decoration: none ;

...which means that all links within an enclosing element of class .topl will be styled.


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