Well, I tried recreating a simple document like the one you describe, with missing ALT attribute on the image...but can't seem to reproduce the slew of errors you're reporting. Any chance you can upload the broken page so we can have a look if there's anything specific to your document that may be causing this behaviour?


Mordechai Peller wrote:
Let me start by saying that I have enough experience with syntax checker
to know that the error message doesn't always point to the right place
and that one error can generate many messages. But that being said, I
think this one takes the cake.

The DOCTYPE was set to XHTML 1.0 STRICT and the page had an image
missing an alt attribute on line 68 so of course it didn't validate. But
instead of just a "Line 68, column 104: required attribute "alt" not
specified," I got eight more errors, five before and three after, all
"reference to non-SGML character." Fix the missing alt error and
everything else validates.

What's going on?

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