I have different colored backgrounds on several pages and have put them is the css as follows:

#[name of page] #container {background-color: #dff;}
#[next page] #container {background-color: #ffd;}  and so on.

Then I have

#[name of page] #floatimgleft {background-color: #dff;}
#[next page] #floatimgleft {background-color: ffd;} and so on.

This is OK but I wondered if I could combine the two.

I tried to combine them as follows:

#[name of page] #container #floatimgleft {background-color: #dff;}

but it didn't work. Only the last mentioned (#floatimgleft) worked and (#container) reverted to general background color. Is there a way to combine them - have I left out commas or something?


Lyn Patterson

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