On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:41:58 -0700, Ted Drake wrote:
> Here's my question:  Does anyone know if dublin core metatags can 
> hurt SEO rankings?  

I don't have anything to back me up, but I do a fair amount of SEO and 
*no* I can't imagine they would affect you at all!
Except perhaps for the rare case where they go on for pages and pages - 
but I don't imagine you have that many?
If in doubt, do the test - take them out for a month and see what 
happens, even if only on one page.
Remember to measure.
But my gut instinct is to call 'crock', myself :)

Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems - I Understand the Internet <http://elysiansystems.com/>
Search Engine Optimisation, Usability, Information Architecture, Web 
Brisbane, Australia
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