On 29 Oct 2004, at 11:03 AM, Indranil Dasgupta wrote:

But my XHTML validation says something weird about the ul tags. Can you say what I need.

XHTML Validation is showing 5 errors only.

3 of them can be fixed by adding 'alt' attributes to these files:

<img src="http://troidus.com/wp-images/who.png"; />
<img src="http://troidus.com/wp-images/blogroll.png"; />
<img src="http://troidus.com/wp-images/other.png"; />

The other two can be fixed by fixing the proper nesting of your tags. You have


...which you can't do. Close the <p> before starting the <ul>:


...and you should be fine.

HTH - Nick
Omnivision. Websight.

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