Richard Czeiger wrote:
> Can't find any reference to this little pecularity on the web...
> OK. So I learned that it's better to use numbers rather than em's or %
> as numbers are inherited.
> BUT! Whenever i have my line-height set to 1.4 (or 140% or 1.4em for
> that matter), all the underlines of my links get squished to the
> text-bottom by 1 pixel. I know this sounds ridiculously finnicky but
> it can make them more difficult to read.
> OK - a concession: this ONLY seams to happen in IE5. Unfortunately,
> that what my client's are running and will be viewing my nice little
> Intranet on.

Then you need to sell them on the urgent need to replace IE5, which is a
security hazard that should be deemed unacceptable:

> You can check out examples here:
> Has anyone else heard of this microscopicly small little quirk?

Can't be sure, because you provide no URL, but it appears you're
pointing out mousetype links. Switch to a readable size and the problem
is likely to become inconsequential.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." U.S. Constitution, Amendment 1

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

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