Hi Gang

I don't know if this is off topic, I thought I'd risk the post anyways.

I work for a commercial company and they naturally want the best search results and 
all that go with it.  I have convinced them to not spam the alt tags, that we need to 
keep them proper for accessibility. In fact, our site almost gets a AAA rating on WAI 
and I've done as much as I can to keep to the spirit of the standards. 

However, I have a question for those of you interested in accessibility.  I currently 
have an image with an alt (attribute) tag of "photo of a laptop with coffee and rose 
petals"  Now, I know this is not the greatest description. It was sort of a dig at the 
requirement to use the silly image.  However, it's time to fix it and I'm thinking of 
replacing it with this:

Purchase insurance online with the convenience of a laptop as seen in this image

Do you think this is pushing the boundaries of the alt attribute? I think it is short 
and does describe the image with more interesting copy than the original.  What do you 

Ted Drake
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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