Big John wrote:

David Laakso wrote:

*Since adding the thumbnails in the sidebars *
The iframes flicker & jump vertically, in Gecko browsers, when the thumbnails in the left or right sidebars are hovered.

David, this is without a doubt the single most complex
tableless layout I have ever been witness to. Wow.

All credit due *Gunlaug Sortun* . He built the foundation and the house. I decorated the attic bedroom (i couldn't code myself out of a wet paper bag).
Microsoft gets credit for the "duplicate characters" that do a number on the script by

Be that as it may, there appears to be a whole slew
of triggers involved in this bug, but the target of the bug is rather simple, and is in this line:

div#content div { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 600px; padding: 0 216px 0 106px; }

Take away either the auto side margins or the max-width and the ghost does
not appear.

Granted, but doing what you suggest would be an unpardonable sin (there goes what makes this layout) . There's got to be another way...

*On my end* ( V5.1 build 2600.xpsp_2_rtm.040803-215:SP2) these methods stop the flicker:
1) Wrapping each of the 4 iframes in a dummy division.
2) Moving h3 from inside #frame to outside #frame. This what I'm currently using.
3) Deleting the thumbnails in the sidebars. I showed no flicker before adding that script.

Big John



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