On Sun, 07 Nov 2004 22:22:39 +1000, russ - maxdesign wrote:
> The three city WSG meetings have almost aligned, like some freaky
> astrological occurrence:

Indeed - Brisbane goes first, on Wednesday!
Could anyone who is planning on attending drop us a note, if you 
haven't already?
You know how Vaughan hates having to eat all that extra cake if we 
overcater ;)

I expect we'll also be discussing if we want to do a xmas get together 
- its almost that season! (Not already??)

Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems - I Understand the Internet <http://elysiansystems.com/>
Search Engine Optimisation, Usability, Information Architecture, Web 
Brisbane, Australia
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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