Press release from W3C Australia...

The Australian W3C Office presents two key standards events - the Australia
W3C Day and XML Workshop.

Australian W3C Day: The Semantic Web is designed for IT professionals
wanting to learn more about the next step in the evolution of the Web.  The
event provides a complete understanding of the Semantic Web from its
technical makeup to its use in real world applications in science, defence
and government environments.  This event is held in conjunction with DSTC's
Evolve Conference. The W3C Day is funded under the Commonwealth Government's
Innovation Access Program. An initiative of Backing Australia's Ability, the
Commonwealth Government's commitment to Innovation.  Brisbane, 7th December
2004.  Registration $150.

The XML Workshop is an intensive one day workshop on W3C's XML activities by
the international experts creating XML Recommendations.  The workshop
immediately precedes a series of W3C Members-only XML Working Group
meetings.  This will be the first time such a large group of XML experts
will be in Australia providing local IT professionals with a rare
opportunity to hear the latest from these standards leaders.  Brisbane, 14
January 2005.  Registration $30.

W3C Day:
Evolve Conference:
XML Workshop:

Liz Armstrong 
Australian W3C Office

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