> From: Jeroen Visser [ vizi ]

> Mark Harwood  wrote:
> > Hey list,
> > 
> > Right im using the good old methord of nice pop-ups as shown by
> > by idol youngpup (http://youngpup.net/2003/popups) now as soon
> > as you use onClick in your HTML WebXACT and Bobby throw up a fit
> > saying that it does not pass AA thanks to 9.3 Make sure event 
> > handlers do not require use of a mouse.
> Now that is why I don't like these automated 'get yourself a Johnny 
> Accessibility approval' sites. I can't see what is wrong with 
> extending 
> the plain href="" with an extra feature for able UA's with 'onclick'. 
> Just make sure you get the thing to fall back gracefully.

Incidentally, I've discussed this before, but...onclick is implemented
in practically all current browsers as a non-device-specific event,
as it is triggered by keyboard access as well (on elements that can
receive focus via keyboard tabbing, anyway, i.e. links and form elements).

So, for the most part, those Blobby and WebXCACK errors are irrelevant
for modern browsers, and - if there is indeed a graceful fallback option -
completely pointless.

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford
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