There was a mention in Scott Parsons' very useful talk (Thursday's Sydney meeting) of the difficulty of validating pages when they were inside a firewall.

I just thought I'd post that it's not impossible, and give you some links to help you install your own validator. I'm not a perl/Linux/Apache guru by any means, quite the opposite -- this advice is offered in the spirit of "if I can do it, how hard can it be?"

Here's the W3Cs page where the validator is offered for download:

and here are specific instructions for installing it on Mac OSX from Apple

and some less formal advice from Mediaville

Here's the relevant link for the installation of the WDG validator (validates whole sites):

We had quite an easy run installing the WDG one, simply because we happened to have a server on our network already which was running RedHat 7.x, and I persuaded the Systems guy running it to let me install the validator from one of the packages:

So, if you've already got such a thing as a server with a compatible version of Linux, it could be relatively straightforward. If you can spare a Mac OSX machine, either as a whole or don't mind having it run a web server as well as do other work, ditto.

If you haven't got a spare machine, remember that RedHat Linux will run on quite old clunky PCs, and every office has got one of those lying about, surely? All you need now is a spare network connection. I would even venture that this is the kind of project that a work-experience person could do, given the right work-experience person!

Hope that encourages you to try for internal standards-based validation,


------------------------------------------------------------ "Have You Validated Your Code?" John Horner (+612 / 02) 9333 2110 Senior Developer, ABC Online ------------------------------------------------------------

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