On the topic of CSS versions, this would be *very* invalid under
CSS2.1 as it currently stands, as they've removed @font-face support -
apparently because of a lack of implementations [1]

It *is* fine in CSS3 though, through the web fonts module [2]

1. http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2003Oct/0154.html
2. http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-webfonts-20020802/#referencing

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 08:59:09 +1100, Lachlan Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As Dejan and Christian indicated, the validator automatically assumes
> use of CSS 2.0
> However, using the advanced interface allows you to choose which version
> you would like to validate against. In the case of Lindsay's site,
> validating against CSS 3.0 removes some of the errors - the
> "pseudo-element such-and-such can't appear here in the context css2"
> Unfortunately, the validator does not yet offer the option of validating
> against CSS 2.1. Anyone know when this is likely to happen?
> Although, I don't believe that would have any effect on use of -moz
> properties anyway

Lindsay Evans
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