Terrence Wood wrote:
Does anyone on this list deliberately force IE6 into quirks mode?

Yes, always... :)

I have seen this done on a couple sites (ok...one), where the site has a comment in the first line before the doctype ( = quirks mode ).the notion of doing this seems attractive at first glance because you can lump IE5, 5.5 and 6 together and develop for a single IE box-model.

Are there any other benefits/limitations of doing this?

IE6 seems to be more stable and predictable in quirks mode than in its "almost standard mode". I use IE-expressions to get 'max-width/min'- imitations to work in IE6, and they are almost always killing IE6 in "almost standard mode".

I know of no limitations in IE6 when doing this, and it saves some coding too. The improved box-model isn't reason enough to debug several versions of IE/win. IE/win can be made to almost behave like a good browser should-- in quirks mode.


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