Terrence Wood wrote:
When I pitch for a site I don't talk about web standards and accessibility per se - these are just methodologies I use to deliver results. Web standards and accessibility are invisible to the untrained eye.

I always liken this to something like the construction industry: if I hire somebody to build me a house, I don't want them to talk to me about what type of mortar they'll be using. I trust that they'll choose the most appropriate mortar for the job. I'd be much more interested in what colour brick they may use, for instance...

So if you're pitching to, say, a fashion designer, then using flash (stereotypically the antithesis of accessibility and googleness) could well be the best tool to use for content delivery. [Use flash satay to make it accessible].

Just wanted to point out that flash satay does nothing to improve accessibility. It only ensures validity of the markup against the xhtml spec, nothing more.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
www.splintered.co.uk | www.photographia.co.uk

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