
> Your second example is not valid; <h3> element cannot be
> contained in <dl>

Quite correct but it can be within the <dd>.

> in such way. the first one is ok, but why don't you consider
> such scenario:
> <h2>News</h2>
> <div id="news-001">
>          <h3>News Name & Date</h3>
>          <p>News content here...</p>
> </div>
> or something similar to that. Imho, lists are not really to
> be used in such
> situations.

Sorry Czeslaw, I disagree entirely with this. Definition lists are entirely
appropriate for any name/value set and are quite different to other (ordered
and unordered) lists. A div is far less semantically appropriate IMHO.

A better approach may be:

<dl id="news"><!-- id only needed if you need to style this differently to
other DLs -->
        <dt>Article 1 name</dt>
                <p>article 1 content</p>
                <p>article 1 content</p>

Then you will have granular control over the style of the decendants of the
#news DL element so you could style (for example) the p element to have no
top-margin and sit up under the date.


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