> Now, I agree completely about the security risks. That alone is worth
> dumping the browser for. Yet, I want to find out how exactly is IE falling
> short of the DOM specs for e.g. Apart from some pet complaints about PNG
> support, div border width calculation and default styles (which actually is
> different for almost all browsers 'cos I believe no standards ever defined
> what the browser defaults should be), I have not been able to find a list of
> items that IE falls short of. It would be really educational if there's one
> out there.

The 'div border width calculation' (by which you probably mean IE's
incorrect box model rendering) and default styles are not the main problem
as IE6 gets the box model right in standards compliant mode.

The biggest problems are probably dealing with the older IE's and IE6's lack
of CSS2 support. 

Craig Saila listed the top 5 things he'd like to change about IE's a while
ago that may shed some light on its lack of css support:

- min-width and max-width
- the child, adjacent sibling, and attribute selectors
- the pseudo-elements :before and :after
- let pseudo-classes work on all elements, not just the a
- and finally, position: fixed

If IE6 supported these items, developers could use cleaner, more
structurally pure code. And the world would live as one  :)

Oh, and there are standards for browsers as well, like this sample:


The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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