
> The design is fixed height by client request. They were given the options
> overflow:scroll, :auto or :none, with the implications of each and they
> none. Sometimes even the strongest of arguments cannot get a client to 
> realise that not everyone views a site at 1024x with fonts set to small :(

So they like Manufacturing Best Practice, but not web best practice?  

Perhaps you could overcome it by using em rather than px.  Find an em size
that's equivalent to px settings in your client's browser (e.g. 20em).
Best of both world - they get what they expect and it will still be
scaleable for the rest of the world's population.

Incidentally, with  images disabled, the nav bar disappears (I'm using
Firefox 1.0 on Win2K).   I can't read white text on a white background.
Suggest you put a background-color on the links, if not on the whole header.

Bert Doorn, Web Developer
Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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