On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 12:13:16 -0000, Phil Baines
> > Clean code, except for two silly things I checked in Teifi's site: <a
> > name="content" class="skipTo">&nbsp;</a> The attribute name should be
> > replaced by id, and the link may have some content to keep in logical
> > for screen readers and css-less people. And by using an id, you can
> > also kill the class.
> This is meant to be an Anchor for the 'Skip to content' links earlier on in
> the code. As far as my knowledge leads me to believe, and ID attribute will
> not work in place of the NAME attribute for an Anchor (or at least it wont
> for older browsers). Also, according to this -
> http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/tagpages/a/a-bookmark.htm - Either
> the HREF or NAME MUST be present in an Anchor tag.

According to this HTML 4.0 spec
(http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-html40-19980424/struct/links.html), ID
is allowed on anchors as well for the same purpose. Also, the DTD
tells me ID has replaced the HTML NAME in XHTML

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