Hi Alan,

I strongly suggest putting the binary stuff into a background image. Google
etc. will hate what you have there as will screen readers. Interesting
effect but not a good idea unless maybe you put it at the end of the code
order. Personally, I'd lose it and use an image as a css background.

Is that why you have the mathml doctype? Can't see that it is mathml at all.
It's just 1s 0s and  s. No formulae or anything mathematical to be
seen. It's valid but not necessary and may choke older browsers.

Also, semantically very poor. Use HTML elements as they were designed. They
are not just for (default) visual behaviour, they are structural. Headings
have more weight and are used by machines (search engines, screen readers
etc.) for real semantic purpose. A <div> is not the same as a <p> even
though they are both block level elements. The default settings (for devices
that ignore the css) will make is pretty well unusable.

As with most things, be careful what you ask for. The reason we do what we
do here is to stop the need for code forking (different page/stylesheets for
different browsers). It's not a good thing to do as you don't know what will
happen. How are you determining the user agent? Opera (by default) ids
itself as IE and is indeed getting the IE stylesheet (though you mentioned
"other browsers" so this is probably not the issue).

My advice, back to basics. Lose all the internal divs (apart from the
containers maybe) and use <hn> <p> etc. as they should be used and you won't
have to style every little spacer div and have a huge stylesheet that really
doesn't need to be there. This should solve the issue.

By the way, there is absolutely nothing on that page that would require
using separate stylesheets if it were semantically correct code. It's the
complexity of your HTML that makes it hard for cross browser compatibility.
Saying IE doesn't like web standards is in fact wrong. It does them quite
well if you use them the right way. Just a few little things to be aware of,
none of which should apply to your page.


<div class="entrytitle"><span class="contenthead">The Wise Words of Google -
25 November 2004</span></div>
(etc... Not putting all that here)

Should be just:

<h2>The Wise Words of Google - 25 November 2004</h2>

        Here's a list of what google thinks of me:
        jellybean is here<br />
        jellybean is a perl object server with an http interface<br />
        jellybean is a gdr dog<br />
        jellybean is an enchanting<br />
        jellybean is a cat pooka<br />
        jellybean is preposition the door<br />
        jellybean is about 12<br />
        jellybean is here to help
        I got this from <a href="http://www.googlism.com/";>googlism.com</a>.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alan Trick
> Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 4:18 PM
> Subject: [WSG] My site is broken in Opera
> Hi,
> I finished a nice update for my website, added a browser detection
> script on my css because IE doensn't like web standards.
> Now my site works in all the browsers I have exept for Opera, and I
> don't know why, can anyone help me with this?
> the url is http://jellybean.uni.cc
> n.b. it uses style.css in firefox/mozilla, and styleie.css all other
> browsers
> All the pages on the site are valid xhtml+xml and both css
> files are valid.
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 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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