I've been using reverse source order (content + nav) for quite a while.

It has some side benefits such as: more content above the fold in the first screen for text only and CSS-less UA's, and better results in some (usually in-house) search engines (i.e less likly to get back results based on your nav items.)

Terrence Wood.

On 2004-12-05 12:04 PM, Lea de Groot wrote:
On Sat, 04 Dec 2004 19:28:50 +0000, Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

Yes, it becomes a pain for those users who land on a page and actually want to get to the navigation quickly. Particularly if there's a lot of links and form elements in the main content section, they have to tab quite a lot before getting to the navigation.

The last site I did, I did the following:
skip to navigation

content content content slightly unsettled content content content


Sort of reversed the standard effect. I was happy with it, but feedback is a rare thing, of course.

~ sorry, couldn't resist that little joke ;)

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