
That's what it's all about, Paul -- you're thinking along different lines now (no pun intended). I've been doing the same thing, and I love it! :)

I found the following on A List Apart that you may find helpful. Search the page for "pipe" and you'll see something that you can use.


Dr. Zeus Web Development
"content without clutter"

on 12/5/2004 8:02 PM Paul Farrell said the following:
* Giving himself a slap on the forehead *

Since posting this, an obvious use of left/right borders has popped into my

Sorry for the unneeded post.. But if people have other methods I would love
to hear them.


I previously wrote:

Hi Good People,

Is their a cross browser solution to adding list separators, eg pipes ('|') to inline lists using only CSS, or does one have to add them in the markup outside the anchor tag within the list item ?

Since joining the list about a month ago, I have learned so much (Thankyou all). It has changed the way I think about web design, and because of that, I feel there is something not quite right with the latter option.

Can anyone flick me yet another pearl of wisdom ?

Paul Farrell

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