Joe - like your work.

Point 2 about interested amateurs is more a commentary about the state of web design in general, not specifically those working in govt departments ;-)

More about the guidelines lacking teeth:

Cabinet paper is here.

Um, so the consequences for not complying are? And which clause in the cabinet decision takes precedence:

3.2 should be compliant by next complete redevelopment.
3.3 must comply by Jan 1, 2006.

See 3.2 gives you an "out" with compliance.

Unfortunately, the guidelines don't extend to all those corners of cyberspace that government can influence (eg SEO's, intranets, local government, educational resources), although all others are invited to use the guidelines.

I also recall (vaguely, admittedly) a memo/press release from Trevor Mallard, which seemed a lot softer than the cabinet recommendation, but I can't find a reference to it anymore (can't recall if I saw it online or in paper).

Don't get me wrong, I am all in favour of the e-government web guidelines, they just don't quite go far enough IMO.

Also, some of hardcoded recommendations are already outdated, and so will present problems in the future (e.g. web safe color palette, use of keywords for font-sizing, exemption required for xhtml).

Terrence Wood.

On 2004-12-08 7:32 AM, Joseph Lindsay wrote:
There is a lot of transparence around how govt agencies procure
services and the local 16year old with a pirated copy of DW isn't
likely to get the job.

As for the guideline lacking teeth: All 'Public Sector' departments
_have_ to comply (I don't recall the dates (1 June 05?).  Other crown
entities (I'm not sure if this applys to SOEs like TVNZ)  are
_strongly encouraged_ to comply.

<Darren>but i think every New Zealand web developer should
read this document and try to at least adhere to some of these
guidelines when building websites.</Darren>

Darren I agree totally.  Of course there is no need for
companies/individuals to comply with the govt-only parts (like 'must
link to govt portal' etc.)


"You know you've achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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