Thanks Will, but all those validation errors are because of using Flash -
there is no way to use Flash 'properly' and get the thing to validate  (all
the workarounds have problems, as I understand it). Outrageous, but there ye
go! :-)

Thanks for your thoughts.

Tom (and Will) - I will bear all this about the splash pages in mind - it's
what the client wanted, but I could talk him out of it . . .(Actually, I
<em>hate</em> the page with the record . . .   :-)

The first page is used to hide the counter etc, but also uses a dom sniffer
to direct the user automatically to the 'right' files for his environment. I
suppose this could go on the final 'page one' but I don't like the flash
that sometimes occurs on slow connections as the page changes form the
standards one to the v3 browser one. It almost looks presentable, even in



Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

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