What is the cms that you are trying? Is it mosxml? I've been looking into that 
one and would be interested in your opinion. I haven't gotten it to work but I 
think the product looks promising. 

Jonathan T. Sage wrote:

>Since this list is standards based, and I've yet to see any real
>writeup about XSLT and what it is capable of, I figured a would share
>what I found with all of you.  More information about what I did is
>available here:
>and here:

1) I think most people aren't sending XSLT to the browser.
2) The CDATA section should probably be just tags because it looks like 
XML to me. If you can't trust that your source is going to be valid XML 
then I guess you can use HTML Tidy on it.

Generally there are some approaches in XSLT that are good,

- Try to use many <xsl:template match>s and <xsl:apply-templates/> 
rather than matching the root node, writing a template, and copying in 
the bits you want. That way you be more discriminant about what's 
allowed through.
- Try to use namespaces, rather than writing tags, even if it means 
creating your own. As you're writing html, set the default namespace to 
XHTML (or html 4.01, whatever). That way if you integrate with another 
feed of xml you can distinguish your html from the other stuff.

Here's a good XSLT FAQ, maintained by my guru, Dave Pawson, 

.Matthew Cruickshank
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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