Lyn Patterson wrote:

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

You can make it work - partially at least - by "removing" <div class="intro" from the "unnatural" flow in IE/win through style-changes. That is "negative back-side margins on floats" - for
short... :)

Thanks, Georg - before I received your reply I kept researching and found that the containing box did not need a width and as soon as I took off the width in div.intro2, the box popped up into place.

Yes, that's another way to fix things in IE/win for that layout. IE/win does a much better job if we let it decide width-issues by itself... :)

Note: Your layout - using percentage width - is only stable on wide
 screens in any browser

Meaning unstable on smaller screens? It looks just the same to me at 800x600 - would you explain a little more please .

You solved that to a large degree by taking out the width, but some explanation might be in place:

The "original" ran out of space at around 915px browser-width, and
started to drop things. That was my original note.

The "no-set-width" version is fine down to some 740px browser-width,
from where the link-list on top starts wrapping and pushing everything
below it out of position. This starts much earlier if text-zoom is used
(larger). Try that in FF.

- IE/win contains the link-list (self-clearing), so it won't break the
page below. However, the containers you removed width from is now in
need of a "HasLayout" hack, as those containers breaks into two visible
parts when they becomes too tall. I didn't test if a "HasLayout" hack
(height: 0;) will make IE/win do more strange things, but that is quite

- FF/Op/Saf is in need of some clearing on that link-list, so it doesn't
push the content too badly out of place when wrapped. Think this will

In general:
Things will of course shift and wrap and so on on narrow screens and/or
with text-zoom. I'm so used to test what happens from 600 and upwards
with any and (almost) all options in use at the visitor's end.
Think "accessibility" and so on.
...Better I know what fails and are in (some) control, than things
breaking in ways I don't know about... :)

All this is even more important on sites that are about web design, as
anything that may look odd to a visitor, should be easily explained by
the designer. That's why I prefer to break my own designs, instead of
"hoping and praying" that no one pushes them too hard.

Hope this helps in keeping a nice design (yours) floating...
CSS is fun!

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