On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 19:34:58 +1000, Tony Aslett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would love some feedback on a User Preference Script http://www.csscreator.com/generator/userpref.php

Because Opera is not able to modify stylesheet rules, I've been looking for a different solution, and I found one - use multiple classes on <body>:

<body class="smallfont verdana red">

body.smallfont {font-size: small;}
body.verdana {font-family: verdana,sans-serif;}

body.red {color: red;}
body.red #something.else {color: red;}

This way you don't need to have lots of alternate stylesheets. You could even put all such rules in a default stylesheet and have "classic" style switcher additionally.

regards, Kornel Lesiński

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