Alan Trick wrote:

The problem is that the containing block, usually another div does not resise to fit the length of the right and left blocks because they are floated. So you get things like this:
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | stuff | |
| float 1 | in | float 2 |
| | middle | |
| | | |
|_________|______________|_________|<--bottom of containing block
| | |_________|
| |

As everyone else has stated, you need to clear the floats. I use a method that doesn't require a clearing element such as an empty <div> or <br clear="both">. Sometimes, and this is a little strange in itself, you'll need to apply this technique to the containing element as well for Netscape v6.

Best regards,
Michael Wilson

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