> > Andreas Boehmer wrote:
> > > If you look in IE/PC at http://dev.rmittestlab.com/ you will
notice that
> > > there is a little blue space under the "Services" heading. 
> > 
> > You are experiencing "The IE Three Pixel Text-Jog" described in
> > http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/threepxtest.html
> I have applied the hack to it as you suggested and it works fine. Thanks
> again! 

> > Now, we are experiencing another IE bug: #leftNav
> >   li li a:hover induces a gray box (100% width) near the bottom of 
> > #mainContent:
> > 2) Add the Holly Hack to h1.

Ahrg, the problem with the grey box you mentioned - I can't seem to get
rid of it. I applied the hack to h1 as you suggested, but it won't fix
it. On rollover the box still shows up. It sounded like you managed to
get rid of it? Was there anything else you did to fix it?

Thanks heaps.
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