Even Dreamweaver's code editing mode does this (context-sensitive syntax
highlighting). There's been a good deal of derogatory commentary about
Dreamweaver recently, but as a web IDE I think it's fantastic. Where people
get into trouble is by relying solely on WYSIWYG mode. I rarely use WYSIWYG
mode, but if you know what you're doing and stick to code editing mode it's
relatively easy to churn out standards-compliant code in DW.

On 21/1/05 1:32 AM, "Alan Trick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Actually that's nothing new.  Many of the better editors will do that.
> The reasons I switched were 1) I was using PHP and so many of the nice
> things like the built in HTML/CSS Validator.  2) Besides syntax
> highlighting, it doesn't really support PHP (as in being able to parse
> it on the fly) 3) Doesn't work in linux 4) Eclipse can do everything TSW
> Webcoder can do, everything I just mentioned (besides 1, but if I was
> smart enough I could just right and extention for that), and a whole lot
> more.
> Alan Trick

Kevin Futter
Webmaster, St. Bernard's College

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