I'm not sure I understand what you want done, are you saying something like haveing a differently generated css depending on the number of pages? If so Chris Stratford is probably right I think (don't quote me on this though) that <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.php" /> is valid as long as the generated file is formated properly. I doubt that IE (and several of the other older browsers) would support it.

Chris Kennon wrote:

Sorry for the double post, but this got lost behind the site review.

Hi All,



You'll notice:
Page 1 of n

The goal is dynamic changes based upon the total number of pages. I hoping to use generated content, but then shuddered when thinking of UA support of this groovy CSS feature. Would someone in the know, perhaps having done this, it's not unique, point to a standards based solution.

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