Well, you can make any of these CMS's standards compliant:

Typo - Complicated but powerful
eZ Publish - I recommend this but the templating system takes time to
get used to
Textparttern - Less powerful that some but easier integration
xMambo - Aims for standards compliance

I would also check out opensourcecms.com for demos

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 17:53:23 -0800, Chris Kennon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm looking for an open source, standards compliant CMS for an existing
> site.  The goal is taking the current design adding it to the CMS, and
> proceeding as seamlessly as possible.
> If such a thing exists one of you has knowledge.
> I'm asking a lot and will have fries with it.
> CK
> ______________________________
> "Knowing is not enough, you must apply;
> willing is not enough, you must do."
>                                         ---Bruce Lee
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