On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 20:20:01 -0600, Mani Sheriar wrote:

> I thought this was an interesting article from Digital Web
> Magazine: http://www.digital-web.com/articles/the_designer_is_dead/
> It speaks of the importance of design and its effects on usability
> and *perceived* usability.
The article begins with the premise: "design comes first, usability second."

It ends: "We do not need usability experts aggravating the situation
by telling us design and aesthetic quality is trivial."

I don't think the evidence supports that assertion. It's true that many
sites promoting web standards are plain; it's equally true that many
attractive-looking sites are unusable by mere mortals, even "abled"
ones, whatever that may mean. But who, specifically, suggests that
"design and aesthetic quality is trivial"?

Personally, I believe that good design combines attractiveness with
usability. One does not exclude the other - rather, I think, the two
essentially go hand in hand. "Good design" in my book means good
communication. Good esthetics are essential - and so is usability, as
well as other aspects of the content.

Life. Love. Peace.
David Hucklesby, on 1/29/2005

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