Zachary welcome at WSG!

My suggestions:

To your page MarkUp:
1. HTML 4.01 and XHTML require the "legend" element in fieldsets. Use this
element immediately after the "fieldset" start tag.

To your page accessibility:
1. The "input" element (when type="image") requires the "alt" attribute to
specify a text equivalent. The text equivalent should be a short phrase that
succinctly identifies the image and makes its function clear. However, use
alt="" when appropriate, such as when images are intended to format a page
(such as spacer images). [Section 1194.22 (a)]

2. The "input" element (when type="image") requires the "alt" attribute to
specify a text equivalent. The text equivalent should be a short phrase that
succinctly identifies the image and makes its function clear. However, use
alt="" when appropriate, such as when images are intended to format a page
(such as spacer images). [P1, 1.1]

John S. Britsios

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zachary Hopkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Web Standards Group" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 4:56 PM
Subject: [WSG] Hello fellow Web Standards people!

> Hello!
> I've just recently joined the WSG to get some tips, and I just wanted to
> say hello and introduce myself.
> My name is Zachary Hopkins, I'm 17 years old and I've been working with
> XHTML, CSS, and accessible web standards such as WAI and 508 for about 6
> months now, and I really like them!  You can check my website out at
>  I'm doing my best to make sure that
> it is an accessible and standards based website.  I welcome any comments
> or suggestions, as I love to learn about new things and new ways to do
> I have been trying to test how my site looks on Mac and *nix based
> systems, so if any of you have a free moment, perhaps you could open up
> my site in Camino, Konqueror or Safari and let me know how it looks?
> Thank you!
> --Zachary Hopkins
> -- 
> "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

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