
Apart from Andreas' suggestion, you could try setting a margin-right of -0.5em on #menu li

Also, to use first-child to remove the border of the leftmost item in the menu, try this (make sure it's inserted *after* your other #menu rules or it will be ignored):

#menu > li:first-child * { border-left: 0 none }

first-child will of course not work in MSIE PC, but is a thin border like that a big issue?

Some more ideas...

If you are only ever going to have one span element in your nav, why give it a class? Apply the style to #menu span instead.

You could apply the same to the nav lists at the bottom of the page, so the page doesn't suffer from spanitis and classitis.

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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